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Sweet Baby Emi | Oro Baby Photographer

Without a doubt, 6-8 months is one of my favourite ages to photograph (second only to newborns). Babes at this age are sitting unsupported but not yet on the move and there is so much wonder in their eyes – Miss E‘s gorgeous blues were no exception. I have to say, she probably thought I was off my rocker, what with all of my singing, fake sneezing, and noise-making behind the black box. 🙂 We had a lot of fun and even though she was feeling a little under the weather, you’d never know it by these images. The last one pulls at my heartstrings. There is just something about it I adore, her fingers curled on the edge of the carriage, soft, kissable baby cheeks, those delicate eyelashes cast down, immersed in a beautiful, quiet moment. Tara, thank you for a lovely morning.

Love these! That is the cutest baby ever & your images are so gorgeous!


awwwww!!!!! so great, we had a wonderful time too Laura. Thanks again for your hard work and all of your patience. You are amazing!!

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